
When the standardized shipping container disrupted the logistics industry in the late 1970s, Vanguard—then DCL as one of the founding business of our company—saw an opportunity to create efficiencies in ocean freight practices. In 1978, we became one of the first companies to specialize in consolidating less-than-container loads of freight into full containers.

We’ve kept our leading edge ever since, expanding into new geographies and new services, always led by our core values. Today, our making it fit to ship approach combines the agile attitude of a true innovator with the reliability and strength of an industry stalwart.

In 2012, the Mansour Group—one of the largest private-sector conglomerates in the Middle East & North Africa—acquired Vanguard as a long-term strategic asset. As a member of the group, Vanguard benefits from its business integrity, operational excellence, and investment in people, as well as its strong support for our growth and continued sector leadership.

Contacts for information

Graham Cousins
Chief Strategy Officer
Vanguard Logistics Services
+ 1 (310) 847 3008

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